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Strategi Pengembangan Program Acara Televisi Digital (Studi Kasus di Nusantara TV)

Ibnu Al Bannah, Ibnu (2024) Strategi Pengembangan Program Acara Televisi Digital (Studi Kasus di Nusantara TV). Skripsi (S1) thesis, Fisip Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta.

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1. Halaman Judul.pdf

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5. Kata Pengantar.pdf

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10. Bab 1.pdf

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12. Bab 3.pdf

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13. Bab 4.pdf

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14. Bab 5.pdf

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15. Daftar Pustaka.pdf

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FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK PROGRAM STUDI ILMU KOMUNIKASI KONSENTRASI BROADCASTING IBNU AL BANNAH 20200110400012 STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN PROGRAM ACARA TELEVISI DIGITAL NUSANTARA TV (STUDI KASUS DI NUSANTARA TV) ABSTRAK Indonesia sudah melaksanakan Analog Switch Off sejak 12 Agustus 2023. Salah satu Lembaga penyiaran yang telah bermigrasi tersebut yaitu Nusantara TV. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengindentifikasi dan menganalisis strategi yang digunakan Nusantara TV dalam pengembangan program Televisi Digital. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Jeremy Orlebar yang fokus pada proses produksi televisi, sebagai landasan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana tahapan praproduksi, produksi, dan pascaproduksi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode Studi Kasus, Penelitian ini akan menggambarkan dan menjelaskan secara kualitatif proses pengembangan program Televisi Digital Nusantara TV. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara dan Observasi, yang kemudian semua data tersebut di analis dalam penelitian ini secara deskriptif dengan mengacu kepada kerangka teori. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat key informan, Informan I dan Triangulasi Sumber sebagai informan yang di wawancarai untuk mendapatkan data. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian merujuk kepada teori Jeremy Orlebar memiliki tiga aspek. Pertama preproduction program Acara Televisi Digital terdapatnya 4 tahapan yaitu ide, treatment, creating a prorame, the programe budget. Selanjutnya production meliputi peran Direktur program, peran Produser, P3SPS, Hambatan dan tantangan, HDTV dan peralatan Digital. Postproduction menjadi tahap terakhir untuk melihat kembali program yang sudah tayang untuk dievaluasi melalui mekanisme serta control Kata Kunci : Strategi Pengembangan, Penyiaran Digital, Nusantara TV. Referensi : 12 Buku, 25 Jurnal, 1 Website Online Dosen Pebimbing : Amin Shabana, S.Sos., M.Si \ FACULTY OF SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCES COMMUNICATION SCIENCE STUDY PROGRAM BROADCASTING CONCENTRATION Ibnu Al Bannah 20200110400012 NUSANTARA TV DIGITAL TELEVISION SHOW PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY (CASE STUDY ON NUSANTARA TV) ABSTRACT Indonesia has implemented Analog Switch Off since August 12 2023. One of the broadcasters that has migrated is Nusantara TV. This research aims to identify and analyze the strategies used by Nusantara TV in developing Digital Television programs. This research uses Jeremy Orlebar's theory, which focuses on the television production process, as a basis for explaining the pre-production, production and post-production stages. This research uses a qualitative approach with the Case Study method. This research will qualitatively describe and explain the development process of the Nusantara TV Digital Television program. Data was obtained through interviews and observations, which were then analyzed in this research descriptively by referring to the theoretical framework. In this research there were key informants, Informant I and Source Triangulation as informants who were interviewed to obtain data. The results obtained in the research referring to Jeremy Orlebar's theory have three aspects. The first pre-production program for a Digital Television Program has 4 stages, namely idea, treatment, program creation, program budget. Further production programs include Director's role, Producer's role, P3SPS, Obstacles and challenges, HDTV and Digital equipment. Postproduction is the final stage to review programs that have been broadcast for evaluation through a control mechanism Keywords: Development Strategy, Digital Broadcasting, Nusantara TV, Keywords : Development Strategy, Digital Broadcasting, Nusantara TV. References : 12 Books, 25 Journals, 1 Online Website Supervising Lecturer : Amin Shabana, S.Sos., M.Si

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi (S1))
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HE Transportation and Communications
Divisions: Faculty of Social and Political Sciences > S1 Communication Studies / Ilmu Komunikasi
Depositing User: EVA AIHULIA
Date Deposited: 17 Feb 2025 01:16
Last Modified: 17 Feb 2025 01:16

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