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Pengaruh Sales Promotion Es Teh Indonesia Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Minuman Pada Konsumen Es Teh Indonesia (Survei pada Followers Akun Instagram @esteh.indonesia)

Fery Febrianto, Fery (2024) Pengaruh Sales Promotion Es Teh Indonesia Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Minuman Pada Konsumen Es Teh Indonesia (Survei pada Followers Akun Instagram @esteh.indonesia). Skripsi (S1) thesis, Fisip Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta.

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ABSTRAK Penggunaan media sosial sebagai platform promosi semakin populer di kalangan perusahaan, termasuk Es Teh Indonesia yang memanfaatkan akun Instagram @esteh.indonesia untuk melakukan berbagai strategi promosi penjualan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengukur variabel X (Sales Promotion) pada followers akun Instagram @esteh.indonesia, (2) mengukur variabel Y (Keputusan Pembelian) konsumen pada followers akun Instagram @esteh.indonesia, dan (3) mengukur pengaruh Sales Promotion terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori promosi penjualan dan perilaku konsumen, dengan melibatkan dua variabel: Sales Promotion (X) yang terdiri dari beberapa dimensi (Kupon, Rabat, Paket Harga, Premium, Advertising Specialist, Titik Pembelian, Kontes, Event Marketing, dan Potongan Harga), serta Keputusan Pembelian (Y) yang diukur melalui lima dimensi (Pengenalan Masalah, Pencarian Informasi, Evaluasi Alternatif, Keputusan Pembelian, dan Perilaku Pasca Pembelian), masing-masing terdiri dari 9 pernyataan untuk variabel X dan 18 pernyataan untuk variabel Y. Metode kuantitatif dengan survei pada 63 responden followers akun Instagram @esteh.indonesia digunakan, dan data dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif serta uji regresi linier sederhana dengan SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata persepsi responden untuk variabel X dan Y masing-masing adalah 3.19 dan 3.14 (setuju). Uji validitas dan reliabilitas menyatakan semua pernyataan valid dan reliabel. Uji regresi linier sederhana menunjukkan adanya pengaruh positif dan signifikan dari Sales Promotion terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen dengan koefisien determinasi (R²) sebesar 0.704. Artinya, 70.4% variasi dalam Keputusan Pembelian dijelaskan oleh variabel Sales Promotion, sementara 29.6% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain di luar penelitian ini. Kata Kunci : Promosi Penjualan, Keputusan Pembelian, Instagram, Es Teh Indonesia. Referensi : 14 Buku, 10 Jurnal, dan 4 Website. Pembimbing : Velda Ardia, S.I.Kom., M.Si. akun Instagram @esteh.indonesia) ABSTRACT The use of social media as a promotional platform is becoming increasingly popular among companies, including Es Teh Indonesia, which utilizes the Instagram account @esteh.indonesia to carry out various sales promotion strategies. This study aims to: (1) measure variable X (Sales Promotion) among followers of the Instagram account @esteh.indonesia, (2) measure variable Y (Purchase Decision) of consumers who follow the Instagram account @esteh.indonesia, and (3) measure the influence of Sales Promotion on Consumer Purchase Decisions. This study uses sales promotion and consumer behavior theory, involving two variables: Sales Promotion (X), which consists of several dimensions (Coupons, Rebates, Price Packages, Premiums, Advertising Specialists, Point of Purchase, Contests, Event Marketing, and Discounts), and Purchase Decision (Y), which is measured through five dimensions (Problem Recognition, Information Search, Alternative Evaluation, Purchase Decision, and Post- Purchase Behavior), with 9 statements for variable X and 18 statements for variable Y. A quantitative method was employed, surveying 63 respondents who follow the Instagram account @esteh.indonesia. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and simple linear regression analysis with SPSS. The results showed that the average respondent perception for variables X and Y was 3.19 and 3.14, respectively (agree). Validity and reliability tests indicated that all statements were valid and reliable. The simple linear regression test revealed a positive and significant influence of Sales Promotion on Consumer Purchase Decisions, with a coefficient of determination (R²) of 0.704. This means that 70.4% of the variation in Purchase Decisions is explained by the Sales Promotion variable, while the remaining 29.6% is influenced by other factors outside this study. Keywords : Sales Promotion, Purchase Decision, Instagram, Es Teh Indonesia. References : 14 Books, 10 Journals, and 4 Website. Mentor : Velda Ardia, S.I.Kom., M.Si.

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi (S1))
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HE Transportation and Communications
Divisions: Faculty of Social and Political Sciences > S1 Communication Studies / Ilmu Komunikasi
Depositing User: EVA AIHULIA
Date Deposited: 04 Feb 2025 08:25
Last Modified: 04 Feb 2025 08:25

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