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Inovasi DPR Dalam Wujudkan Parlemen Moder

Mahendra Bungalan D, Mahendra (2020) Inovasi DPR Dalam Wujudkan Parlemen Moder. Thesis (S2) thesis, Fisip Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta.

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9. BAB I.pdf

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10. BAB II.pdf

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11. BAB III.pdf

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ABSTRAK Nama : Mahendra Bungalan D NPM : 2018940002 Judul Tesis : Inovasi DPR RI Dalam Wujudkan Parlemen Modern Dosen Pembimbing : Dr. Retnowati WD Tuti, M.Si Transparency International Indonesia (TII) menyebut, sejak tahun 2004 hingga 2013, terdapat 74 anggota DPR RI yang tersangkut kasus korupsi. Padahal, DPR memiliki tugas sentral di tengah pusaran tata kelola negara. Karenanya, transparansi menjadi sebuah keniscayaan. Pada rencana strategis DPR RI 2015-2019 merumuskan bagaimana terwujudnya DPR RI sebagai lembaga perwakilan yang modern, berwibawa, dan kredibel. Lembaga perwakilan yang modern mempunyai makna bahwa dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya DPR RI menginginkan adanya transparansi yang didukung oleh teknologi informasi dan membuka ruang partisipasi publik serta mempertanggungjawabkan kinerja nya kepada rakyat. DPR yang modern selalu menjunjung aspek transparansi dan menggunakan teknologi informasi. Di sinilah muncul istilah Parlemen Modern. Berbagai upaya dan inovasi dilakukan DPR untuk mewujudkan Parlemen Modern. Tujuan Penelitian penelitian ini (1) Menganalisis Pelaksanaan Inovasi DPR Dalam Wujudkan Parlemen Modern. (2) Menganalisis Faktor Pendukung dan Penghambat Inovasi DPR Dalam Wujudkan Parlemen Modern. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat baik secara theoritis maupun secara praktis dan bermanfaat bagi penulis dan pembaca. (1) Kegunanaan Teoriti, penelitian ini nantinya diharapkan mampu memperkaya khasanah ilmu pengetahuan, khususnya yang berkaitan inovasi. (2) Kegunanaan Praktis (a) Memberikan sumbangan pemikiran terkait inovasi DPR. (b) Penelitian yang dilakukan nantinya diharapkan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai tambahan referensi bagi penelitian lebih lanjut. (c) Penelitian diharapkan juga bisa jadi landasan kebijkan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Metode penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap masalah yang menjadi pokok penelitian tentang Inovasi DPR Dalam Mewujudkan Parlemen Modern. Tempat penelitian ini dilakukan di kompleks DPR RI, Senayan, Jakarta. Inovasi DPR RI Dalam Meweujudkan Parlemen Modern terus dilakukan pada periode 2014-2019. Selain menjadi bagian dari rencana strategis periode tersebut, parlemen modern pun masuk di renstra DPR periode saat ini, 2019-2024. Sejauh ini terlihat berbagai upaya dan inovasi dilakukan bukan hanya sebagai wujud parlemen modern tetapi juga untuk mendekatkan rakyat dengan wakilya di Gedung DPR. Membuka komunikasi dan menjaring partisipasi masyarakat seluas-luasnya juga dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi, agar setiap suara bisa didengar, setiap aspirasi bisa disampaikan. Kata Kunci : DPR, Inovasi, Parlemen Modern Referensi : 6 Buku dan 8 Jurnal Jumlah halaman : xii dan 146   ABSTRAK (INGGRIS) Name : Mahendra Bungalan D NPM : 2018940002 Title of Thesis : The Innovation of the Indonesian Parliament in Creating a Modern Parliament Supervisor : Dr. Retnowati WD Tuti, M.Si Transparency International Indonesia (TII) said, from 2004 to 2013, there were 74 members of the Indonesian Parliament who were involved in corruption cases. In fact, the DPR has a central task in the middle of the vortex of state governance. Therefore, transparency is a necessity. The 2015-2019 DPR RI strategic plan formulates the realization of the DPR RI as a modern, authoritative, and credible representative institution. Modern representative institutions have the meaning that in carrying out their duties and functions the DPR RI wants transparency that is supported by information technology and opens up spaces for public participation and is accountable for its performance to the people. The modern DPR always upholds the transparency aspect and uses information technology. This is where the term Modern Parliament appears. Various efforts and innovations were made by the DPR to create a Modern Parliament. The research objectives of this study are (1) to analyze the implementation of the DPR's innovation in realizing a modern parliament. (2) Analyze Supporting and Inhibiting Factors for the Innovation of the DPR in Realizing a Modern Parliament. This research is expected to be useful both theoretically and practically and be useful for writers and readers. (1) Usefulness of theory, this research is expected to be able to enrich the repertoire of science, especially those related to innovation. (2) Practical Usefulness (a) Contributing thoughts related to the DPR's innovation. (b) The research carried out is expected to be used as additional references for further research. (c) Research is also expected to be a basis for policy. The research method used is a qualitative approach. This research method aims to uncover the problems that are the subject of research on the Innovation of the DPR in Realizing a Modern Parliament. Where this research was conducted in the DPR RI complex, Senayan, Jakarta. The DPR RI's Innovation in Realizing a Modern Parliament was continued in the 2014-2019 period. Apart from being part of the strategic plan for that period, the modern parliament was included in the DPR's strategic plan for the current period, 2019-2024. So far, it has been seen that various efforts and innovations have been made not only as a form of a modern parliament but also to bring people closer to their representatives in the DPR Building. Open communication and gain the widest possible public participation by utilizing information technology, so that every voice can be heard, every aspiration can be conveyed. Kata Kunci : DPR, Innovation, ModernParliament Referensi : 6 books dan 8 Journals Jumlah halaman : xii dan 146

Item Type: Thesis (Thesis (S2))
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform
Divisions: Faculty of Social and Political Sciences > S2 Master of Administrative Science / Magister Ilmu Administrasi (MIA)
Depositing User: EVA AIHULIA
Date Deposited: 23 Nov 2022 08:18
Last Modified: 23 Nov 2022 08:18

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