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Peran Teknisi Master Control Room (Mcr) Tv Muhammdiyah (TVMu) Dalam Program Netizen Bertanya Ustad Menjawab

ACKMAL RAFLI, ACKMAL (2023) Peran Teknisi Master Control Room (Mcr) Tv Muhammdiyah (TVMu) Dalam Program Netizen Bertanya Ustad Menjawab. Skripsi (S1) thesis, Fisip Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta.

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UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH JAKARTA FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK PROGRAM STUDI ILMU KOMUNIKASI KONSENTRASI BROADCASTING Skripsi, Juli 2023 Ackmal Rafli 2019140136 Peran Teknisi Master Control Room (MCR) Tv Muhammadiyah (Tvmu) Dalam Program Netizen Bertanya Ustadz Menjawab ABSTRAK Master control room (MCR) disebut master karena fungsinya sebagai pengendali siaran utama. Ada juga yang dinamakan sub control yaitu berfungsi sebagai ruang kendali siaran studio, baik studio produksi maupun studio pemberitaan. Morison (2018) mengemukakan bahwa peran teknisi master control room memiliki posisi yang lebih sebagai operator daripada teknisi karena ia harus mengkoordinasikan seluruh kegiatan dan hasil kerja banyak orang teknisi master control bertanggung jawab terhadap tampilan siaran on air stasiun televisi ia juga harus memastikan seluruh elemen program yang sudah terjadi setelah siap sebelum siaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, studi literatur, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Master Control Room (MCR) telah berfungsi dalam proses penyiaran program siaran Netizen Bertanya Ustaz Menjawab yang ada di TV Mu, hal tersebut terlihat dari beberapa bagian departemen yang membantu proses penyiaran, yaitu departemen editing, programming, produksi, dan sosial media dalam menunjang proses penyiaran. Master Control Room (MCR) meliputi : Character Generator, Audio control, Camera Switcher, Presentasi, Bagian VTR material room, Bagian master control console, Bagian studio, dan Bagian rekam. Penayangan program siaran Netizen Bertanya Ustaz Menjawab didukung oleh crew yang bertugassebagai acuan siaran dengan menggunakan strategi Kerjasama tim dalam menjalanitugas dan kewajibannya untuk menghasilkan output tertinggi kualitas siaran dan meminimalisir adanya gangguan pada siaran Kata Kunci : Master Control Room (MCR), Netizen, TVMu Referensi : 26 Buku + 2 Jurnal Dosen Pembimbing : R, Hiru Muhammad, S.Sos., M.I.Kom II UNIVERSITY OF MUHAMMADIYAH JAKARTA FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE AND POLITICAL SCIENCE COMMUNICATION SCIENCE PROGRAM BROADCASTING CONCENTRATION Thesis, July 2023 Ackmal Rafli 2019140136 The Role of the Master Control Room (MCR) Technician on Tv Muhammadiyah (TvMu) In the Program Netizens Ask Ustadz Answer ABSTRACT The master control room (MCR) is called the master because of its function as the main broadcast controller. There is also what is called a sub control, which functions as a studio broadcast control room, both a production studio and a news studio. Morison (2018) argues that the role of the master control room technician has a more position as an operator than a technician because he has to coordinate all the activities and work results of many people. The master control technician is responsible for the appearance of broadcast on air television stations. already happened after ready before broadcast. This study uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using interviews, literature studies, observation, and documentation. The Master Control Room (MCR) has functioned in the broadcasting process of the Netizen Asking Ustadz Answering program on TV Mu, this can be seen from several departments that assist the broadcasting process, namely the editing, programming, production, and social media departments in supporting the broadcasting process. Master Control Room (MCR) includes: Character Generator, Audio control, Camera Switcher, Presentation, VTR material room section, master control console section, studio section, and recording section. Broadcast program broadcast by Netizens Asking Ustaz Responding is supported by crews who serve as broadcast references by using a teamwork strategy in carrying out their duties and obligations to produce the highest broadcast quality output and minimize broadcast interruptions. Keywords : Master Control Room (MCR), Netizen, TVMu Reference : 26 Books + 2 Journal III Mentor : R, Hiru Muhammad, S.Sos., M.I.Kom

Item Type: Thesis (Skripsi (S1))
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HE Transportation and Communications
Divisions: Faculty of Social and Political Sciences > S1 Communication Studies / Ilmu Komunikasi
Depositing User: EVA AIHULIA
Date Deposited: 14 Dec 2023 02:05
Last Modified: 14 Dec 2023 02:05

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