Representasi Kehidupan Pada Naskah Drama Nyonya-Nyonya Karya Wisran Hadi
Some events have their own uniqueness which can usually be an inspiration to make a drama script. In writing a drama script, the author must truly understand and feel each scene after scene, dialogue after dialogue which is then re-written into a literary work. Through experience and knowledge potentially have various forms of life representation. The object studied was the drama script Nyonya-Nyonya by Wisran Hadi using a sociological approach to literature. This research uses a descriptive method. Descriptive method is a research approach whose source of data is in the form of words. This descriptive method aims to describe the findings of the research process based on the research objectives. The results of literary sociology research in the drama script Nyonya-Nyonya by Wisran Hadi, there are two main points, namely firmness to the prevailing norms and belief in ancestral power.
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